Despite the Trump campaign’s unwillingness to provide a peaceful transition of power, the Biden team appears to be moving forward in preparation for January 20th. President-elect Joe Biden’s transi... Continue Reading
A recent study out of the Department of Veterans Affairs in San Diego found “alarmingly high” rates of insomnia among veterans, especially among those experiencing PTSD and TBIs. First published in... Continue Reading
Last Wednesday, attorney Stephen Kinnaird argued on behalf of veterans in California’s Northern District Court in San Francisco. Kinnaird’s arguments called for the VA to pay retroactive benefits t... Continue Reading
Regardless of what comes out of this extremely close election race, Jon Stewart and John Feal have a plan to move forward with legislation passed in support of service members exposed to toxins. Jo... Continue Reading
Two major pieces of legislation were signed by President Donald Trump last Saturday. Both address the problem of suicide among veterans. However, certain provisions of the new laws had been strippe... Continue Reading
Compensation and pension exams, commonly referred to as C&P exams, play a pivotal role in the determination of a given veteran’s eligibility for VA benefits. The VA’s announcement to outsource... Continue Reading
On October 1st, 2020, the VA announced the implementation of a new IT system that marked the launch of phase one of the expansion of their Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers program. Th... Continue Reading
The ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic has presented many problems for veterans. One of which being the potentially diminished benefits for surviving family members after a veteran passes away due to the vi... Continue Reading
Recently in an interview with Fox News, former VA Secretary David Shulkin, expressed his frustrations with the VA for not providing adequate benefit coverage for members returning from war, specifi... Continue Reading
Last week, Laurine Carson, a VA agency official said that 78% of disability claims related to toxic exposure have been denied. Carson is the deputy executive director of policy and procedures for t... Continue Reading