The bones, muscles and nerves working together to move your hands are nothing short of miraculous. The dexterity and ability to manipulate your fingers and thumbs sets humans apart from all other a... Continue Reading
Working along the busy highways of New York and surrounding states can be extremely hazardous. The risks that construction workers face were underscored in a recent fatal accident in a neighboring ... Continue Reading
New York construction workers risk injuries every day on a worksite. While there are constant additions and changes to the New York skyline, lives continue to be lost in construction workers’... Continue Reading
Sometimes, workplace accidents occur in which many lives could have been lost, but, miraculously, only minor injuries occur. One would think that such incidents would encourage a business owner to ... Continue Reading
In New York, the city’s building codes require significantly more safety for workers on the construction sites of buildings with 10 stories or more. Construction workers’ accidents reco... Continue Reading
Too many families lose loved ones on construction sites. While the importance of fall protection is a much-discussed subject, construction workers’ accidentsinvolving fatal falls continue to ... Continue Reading
Fall accidents on construction sites in New York are common occurrences. Many such construction workers’ accidents cause death or traumatic injuries. Unfortunately, most falls are preventable... Continue Reading
Falls cause a significant number of workers’ deaths in New York and elsewhere. Many of these fatalities follow noncompliance of safety regulations that lead to construction workers’ acc... Continue Reading
Building authorities in New York recently expressed their concern about the number of fatalities in the construction industry. The City Council said construction workers’ accidents on New Yor... Continue Reading
A New York roofing company is adamant to fight the findings of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It maintains that no workplace injuries have occurred in the 10 years of its existe... Continue Reading