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Who Qualifies As A VA Dependent?

If you’re a veteran who sustained an injury, you may not be the only one affected. Your spouse, children, and closest loved ones will also be a part of your journey throughout your time in the military.  As a result, your dependents can also qualify for certain benefits once you finish your military service.

Who Can Qualify As VA Dependent?

When you receive a disability rating of 30 or more, you can add one or multiple dependents to receive additional benefits. Your VA dependents can also claim Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) if you pass away. 

According to the VA’s official site, a dependent can be one of the following:

  • Your spouse
  • An unmarried child (biological, adopted, or stepchild)
  • A parent who’s under your care and whose income is below the minimum threshold

If you add your child as a dependent, they must also be a minor, a full-time student between 18 and 23, or permanently disabled before adulthood. 

How To Add A Dependent To Your VA Benefits

Adding a dependent can be a simple process that can be done online through your eBenefits account. It can also be done by mail as long as you have the proper documents for your case. For example, a child under 18 or a parent you’re taking care of will have additional forms you need to fill out to add them as VA beneficiaries. Also, you’ll need to submit further medical documentation if your child has permanent disabilities.

Types Of Benefits Available For Dependents

Once the VA approves your application, your dependent will be eligible for various benefits.

Some of the most important ones include the following:

  • Up to 36 months of full-time or equivalent educational training, including college, apprenticeships, and distance learning courses
  • Free healthcare services, medicine, and other equipment
  • Increased compensation for the veteran based on their disability rating
  • Death pensions and other financial benefits if the veteran passes away

With these VA provisions, your immediate family will always have their basic needs taken care of if something happens to you.

Can You Remove Or Change Dependents?

The VA lets you add or remove dependents online easily. It’s also recommended you keep your list updated when something happens, such as a divorce or the death of a spouse. Waiting too long before removing a dependent may result in you having to return any extra funds.

Additionally, the system will immediately remove your child from your dependent list once they turn 18 unless they have a disability. If they’re still enrolled in school full-time, you’ll need to apply again to add them to your dependent list.

Get The VA Benefits You Deserve

If you’re a veteran with close family members you need to take care of, the VA has many provisions that can benefit them throughout their lives. Once you get approved for your benefits, adding an extra dependent is a straightforward process.

If you still have any questions about your VA application, our team of veterans’ disability lawyers will guide you through your entire application process and ensure you and your family receive the compensation you’re entitled to. Please call us at  877-693-2529 or use our online form to schedule an initial consultation today.

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