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Proposed Bill Would Give Full VA Disability Benefits To Over 40,000 Veterans

Congressmen Raul Ruiz and Gus Bilirakis re-introduced the Major Richard Star Act earlier this month. Unlike most measures, this one has received massive bipartisan support from both legislative branches and is likely to pass. If the bill is signed into law, it could expand full-service VA disability benefits to over 40,000 veterans. 

What Would The Major Richard Star Act Do?

Since 2004, the only way a veteran could qualify for full retirement and disability benefits is if they served over 20 years and had a disability rating of 50% or more. Anyone who doesn’t meet these requirements must take reduced payments to offset the total amount they can receive.

With thousands of veterans having to retire early due to damages, the current system takes thousands of dollars away from veterans who truly need it. The Major Richard Star Act would address these inequalities, making full retirement and disability benefits accessible to everyone.

Who Is Major Richard Star?

The bill is named in recognition of Major Richard A. Star, a former vet who had to retire early because of his injuries. Given the present law, he was one of many veterans who had to take reduced VA benefits because he didn’t meet the minimum service requirement. He lost his battle with cancer in 2021. To honor his legacy, his wife, Tonya D. Star, and key veteran organizations nationwide are rallying to urge Congress to pass this bill as soon as possible.

How This Bill Would Help Veterans Going Forward

As Sen. Jon Tester stated in a press conference last month, “People are going to argue that this cost too much money, and I respect that, except for the fact that if we’re going to send them off to war, we take care of them when they get home, or otherwise we shouldn’t send them off to war to begin with.”

While the bill may cost the government billions, no vulnerable vet should lack access to the help they need. Veterans sacrifice their lives to defend our country, and this bill will provide them with much-needed benefits without any restrictions.

Win The Benefits You’re Entitled To

Filing a VA claim can be challenging, but you don’t need to do it alone. Our experienced veterans’ disability lawyers will review your case’s details and guide you through the entire process. At Turley Redmond & Rosasco, L.L.P., we have many years of experience helping disability claimants receive the benefits they deserve.

If you have any questions about your case or want to schedule a free consultation, please contact us online or call us at 877-693-2529 today. We serve veterans in Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and more.

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