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Navigating The Essentials Of A Residual Functional Capacity Form

If you’re pursuing SSDI benefits, the SSA needs to know how your disability affects your daily life. For this reason, a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) form is a crucial part of any successful claim. Filling out an RFC form is a complex process, but this guide will help you understand how to manage it effectively for your disability claim.

What Is Residual Functional Capacity (RFC)?

Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) is an assessment the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses to determine what a person can do despite their limitations. After you finish the process, the SSA will determine the maximum level of work you can perform. It’s a crucial part of the disability evaluation process, as it helps the SSA understand the extent of your injuries and their impact on your ability to work.

How Does The SSA Determine Residual Functional Capacity

Determining your RFC involves reviewing your medical records and any other relevant information about your current health, including:

  • Your ability to do everyday tasks like lifting, standing, walking, or sitting.
  • Cognitive limitations like memory issues or the ability to concentrate.
  • Environmental limitations like noise sensitivity or extreme temperatures

For example, if you have a leg injury, the SSA will assess how long you can safely stand or walk on it before needing to rest.

The Impact of RFC on Disability Claims

Your RFC plays a vital part in your disability claim. The SSA uses it to decide if you can return to your previous job or be assigned another one. If you have a restrictive RFC, you’re considered unable to work, qualifying you for disability benefits. On the other hand, if the SSA believes your RFC allows you to do some form of work, you have a higher chance of it rejecting your claim.

Who Fills Out The RFC Form?

Your treating physician or a medical professional connected to the SSA is responsible for completing the form. Regardless of who fills it out, the healthcare professional filling out your RFC form must understand your condition and its limitations. The more detailed the information they provide, the better the SSA can assess your work-related capabilities and determine if you qualify for benefits.

How To File The Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) Form

Filing an RFC form involves a few simple steps:

  • Obtain the RFC form from the SSA or download it from their website.
  • Get your doctor to fill out the form based on their knowledge of your condition and its restrictions.
  • Include any relevant medical records or lab results connected to your RFC assessment.
  • Submit the RFC form to the SSA as part of your disability application or during the review of your existing claim.

Remember, the RFC form is crucial to the success of your disability claim. Ensure you fill out the information accurately to ensure the SSA has everything it needs to make a final decision.

Contact Our Attorneys Today

Navigating RFC forms and the entire disability claims process is long and complicated. However, our team of New York social security disability lawyers can guide you through every step, from filling out the RFC form to appealing a denied claim. If you need help with your claim or RFC form, please contact us online or at 855-599-2141 and schedule a free consultation today.

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