When a worker is injured on the job, the most important immediate concern is to ensure the injury is promptly addressed with appropriate medical care. Not far behind on the order of priorities is t... Continue Reading
Last time, we began looking at the responsibilities of employers under workers’ compensation law. In addition to the reporting requirements mentioned last time, employers are also required to maint... Continue Reading
Federal laws, often in the form of regulations promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, set many workplace safety standards. Workers’ compensation policies, in contras... Continue Reading
In our last post, we began speaking about the common problem of overexertion. As we noted, Amazon.com has been targeted by OSHA for exposing employees to potential overexertion, which is an importa... Continue Reading
While it probably comes as no surprise to health care workers, other people may find it hard to believe that hospitals are considered more dangerous workplaces than construction and manufacturing s... Continue Reading
Amazon may be leading the pack in terms of online retail, but the company’s success has come at a cost. As reports of Amazon’s questionable treatment of workers continue, some are wondering whether... Continue Reading
A shrewd Texas corporate lawyer by the name of Bill Minick proudly proclaims "We're talking about re-engineering one of the pillars of social justice..."(i.e.,Workers' Compensation). Mess with the... Continue Reading
Workers’ Compensation arm injuries are some of the most common injuries for workers in NYC and Long Island. So what do you need to know to get all the medical treatment and the maximum cash a... Continue Reading
The “Demolition of Workers’ Comp” and accompanying info on the NPR website is well-researched and traces the origins of workers’ compensation law and the “grand bargain” between workers and employe... Continue Reading
No one plans on suffering a workplace injury. Yet, knowing what to do when an unexpected accident happens on the job is a must. Whether it’s a fractured limb, a back injury while lifting, a f... Continue Reading