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OSHA says employer failed to prevent workplace injuries

While there are certain safety hazards present in most workplaces, every industry has its own unique dangers that need to be addressed. Workers must be trained to identify safety risks, and also the required precautions to avoid workplace injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that the failure to provide this basic training contributed to the cause of severe injuries to two employees of a New York provider and servicing company of fire extinguishers.

The investigation was prompted by an accident at the company’s premises in February when two workers were busy filling a gas cylinder with compressed air. It was determined that the pressure of the air device was higher than the limit of the cylinder. This caused an explosion that caused severe injuries.

Along with the lack of training, employees were also not provided with the appropriate protective equipment. Furthermore, investigators that the tanks were missing pressure relief devices, and the improper storage, and the compressed air cylinders and fire extinguishers were stacked improperly. Reportedly, untrained workers with no knowledge of the required procedures were tasked with filling the cylinders.

Following the explosion that caused the serious workplace injuries, medical expenses will likely be substantial for the two victims. Also, such injuries can result in missed time from work which can have a severe impact on the financial stability of workers and their families. Fortunately, victims of on-the-job accidents are entitled to file benefits claims with the New York workers’ compensation insurance system to address these financial issues.

Source:, “2 NY Workers Suffer Severe Injuries in Tank Explosion“, Aug. 17, 2016

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