NY WORKERSÄô COMPENSATION ALLIANCE (WCA) Position On Governor Pataki’s Proposed Changes To The WorkersÄô Compensation System Budget Bill Article VII A.9561/S.6461 The New York workersÄô co... Continue Reading
Big decision from the Court of Appeals on 2/16/05 that all New York Workers’ Compensation lawyers need to know about. In Brisson V. County of Onondoga, the Court held that New York employers ... Continue Reading
Just read the New York Workers’ Compensation Alliance’s take on “Comp Watch ’06”, the newsletter put out by the New York State Business Council. It’s called R... Continue Reading
The New York State Workers’ Compensation Alliance has just launched its new website. As most of you know, the NY Workers’ Compensation Alliance is a group of individuals and organizatio... Continue Reading
Gov. Pataki’s new workers’ compensation “reform” bill will be a disaster for the heroes of 9/11 – the “first responders”. As recently detailed in an excell... Continue Reading
Click here to read this mean spirited pablum. As usual, the “devil is in the details” when it comes to New York workers’ compensation benefits. I’ll have a more detailed ana... Continue Reading
2006 may be shaping up as a year for significant workers’ compensation reform in New York. Yesterday, Governor Pataki introduced his Workers’ Compensation Reform “Budget” Pr... Continue Reading
This past year has been a great experience for all of us at the Disabled Worker Law Blog. Hopefully, we have shared some useful information for the disability community regarding New York workers... Continue Reading
One of our workers compensation and Social Security disability clients picked up her $500 check as a result of Turley Redmond & Rosasco’s First Annual Christmas Blessing on December 21, 2... Continue Reading
We know that many of our New York clients with workers compensation, Social Security Disability or long term disability claims might have a less joyful holiday this year. For this reason, the attor... Continue Reading