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Category: Workers’ Compensation

Fast Food Workers Strike for 15

About eight months ago, fast food workers in New York City started holding day long strikes during peak customer traffic. Their goal: higher wages, fifteen dollars an hour to be exact, which is mor... Continue Reading


We’ve all heard those stereotypes about Worker’s Compensation Claims being a lot of bologna. People think of claimants wearing fake neck braces, getting hurt on purpose, hobbling into t... Continue Reading


The confidentiality of any and all documents pertaining to your case are protected under Worker’s Compensation Law. Only certain parties(including employers, insurance companies and either si... Continue Reading

Finding Support

Becoming disabled is a stressful and oftentimes traumatic experience. In addition to dealing with all the legal red tape, there are many problems that may emerge with respect to a worker’s fa... Continue Reading

Pain and Suffering

Pain and Suffering is the legal term used to describe any sort of physical, emotional or mental distress which may include potentially limiting conditions such as depression or persistent aches. Ge... Continue Reading

Permanent Disability

Many different classifications of permanent disability are detailed under Worker’s Compensation law. These include Permanent Partial Disability, Permanent Total Disability and Total Industria... Continue Reading
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