Last week, President Trump proposed a new budget plan that would significantly increase the VA’s budget and make it the second-largest federal agency when measured by discretionary spending. The pr... Continue Reading
In the past two decades, a growing prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injuries has established TBIs as the “signature wound” of the post-9/11 war. Upwards of 410,000 service members have been diagnosed ... Continue Reading
The VA has disputed a scientific panel’s finding that illustrated significant evidence linking the development of bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s-like tremors, and hypertension to Agent... Continue Reading
In 2018, it was reported that Department of Veterans Affairs patients seeking private sector healthcare saw a nearly two-month delay for medical appointments. Now, according to a new report by the ... Continue Reading
In late 2019, a federal court ruled that the VA must begin to recognize veterans who served in the waterways in the areas surrounding Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange, known as the Blue Wat... Continue Reading
A federal court ruling declined to lift a delay on Blue Water Navy disability claims imposed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Claims processing is expected to begin January 1st, 2020. In tot... Continue Reading
Pentagon officials have admitted that the number of military bases contaminated by forever chemicals has been previously understated. Forever chemicals are perfluorinated compounds and are named as... Continue Reading
Tens of thousands of military veterans suffering from TBI’s or PTSD are denied VA resources because of their discharge status. However, a recent Federal Court ruling could have a positive impact o... Continue Reading
The Wounded Warrior Project conducts and annual survey that aims to give veterans a voice and a platform to be heard by individuals and organizations that can initiate change. This year’s survey sh... Continue Reading
The Department of defense and Veterans Affairs has awarded Virginia Commonwealth University with a $50 million federal grant to oversee a national research consortium. The research focuses on deter... Continue Reading