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Sanitation workers at high risk of suffering workplace injuries

The mining industry is known to be extremely dangerous. However, it is reported that the injury risk among sanitation workers is more than double that of miners. The New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health also says the risk of suffering fatal workplace injuries in this industry is 10 times higher than that of workers in all other industries.

NYCOSH released a report about eight cases that involved fatalities, amputations and chemical exposure. While doing the case studies, it was determined that many of these workplace accidents resulted from non-compliance with safety regulations. This underscores the fact that, among sanitation workers, as in all other industries, most injuries and fatalities are preventable.

In a private interview with the press — and speaking for others in the same occupation — one sanitation worker said those who share his line of work are in danger on a daily basis. He claims that there is a lack of training and safety equipment. Furthermore, industry workers are often sent out on broken sanitation trucks, and the mechanical parts are often defective. He claims to have lost part of a finger on a faulty part on a dump truck.

This worker further reported that his company made it difficult for him to get the workers’ compensation benefits to which he was entitled after suffering workplace injuries. New York workers who are experiencing similar problems obtaining financial assistance may find it beneficial to consult with experienced workers’ compensation attorneys. A lawyer can provide assistance throughout the administrative and legal proceedings that may be required to obtain compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. Amputation injuries that render workers unable to continue working in their chosen occupations may even receive vocational training to provide skills for alternative positions.

Source:, “‘In danger every day’: Report details hazards facing sanitation workers in NYC“, June 6, 2016

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